My granddaughter loves books! She is only about a year and a half old, but she has her books in a bookcase. I’ve watched her look through her books and sometimes she’ll bring one for somebody to read it to her. My son (an avid reader) and my daughter-in-law (a schoolteacher) are raising her right encouraging her to read. Each week they take her to the library. I now know what Fort Dodge does with the tax dollars that thy don’t use to fix their roads! (Priorities, right?) The ability to read is the basic building block of all learning. The better we develop our reading skills the better we can learn all subjects. The fact that God gave us a book (Bible) shows us that He wants us to read. Paul wrote to Timothy who was Pastoring the church at Ephesus at the time, “Give attendance to reading…”! Timothy 4:13
Pastor Ty